Locations In the Central Oregon Area
- Dayville
- Dale
- Klamath Falls
- Central Point
- Roseburg
- Coos Bay
- Culver
- Grants Pass
- Bend
- Medford
- Ashland
- Eugene
- Prospect
- Merlin
- Gold Hill
- Camp Sherman
- Sunriver
- Redmond
- Phoenix
- Jacksonville
- Black Butte Ranch
- Shady Cove
- Rogue River
- White City
- Terrebonne
- Chiloquin
- Madras
- Prineville
- Sisters
- Cave Junction
- Eagle Point
- La Pine
- Merrill
- Bly
- Long Creek
- Glendale
- Lakeview
- Chemult
- John Day
- Dallas
- Florence
- Wolf Creek
- Sprague River
- O'Brien
- Tulelake
- Tillamook
- Joseph
- Metolius
- Talent
- Summer Lake
- Prairie City
- Oakridge
- Keizer
- Selma
- Independence
- Sutherlin
- Portland
- Fossil
- Maupin
- Bonanza
- Myrtle Point
- Monument
- Christmas Valley
- Idleyld Park
- Plush
- Brothers
- Powell Butte
- Bandon
- The Dalles
- Kerby
- Grass Valley
- Mount Vernon
- Crane
- Spray
- Beatty
- Lebanon
- Midland
- Kimberly
- Wallowa
- Salem
- Condon
- Dayton
- Mitchell
- Trail
- Crescent Lake
- Gilchrist
- Ukiah
- Turner
- Silver Lake
- Keno
- Williams
- Woodburn
- Azalea
- Sunny Valley
- Canyonville
- Fort Rock
- Wilderville
- Brookings
- Myrtle Creek
- Cloverdale
- Dorris
- Applegate
- Butte Falls
- Springfield
- Canyon City
- Tygh Valley
- Crescent
- Riddle
- Creswell
- Coquille
- Hermiston
- Malin
- Powers
- Amity
- Tiller
- Junction City
- Fort Klamath
- Depoe Bay
- Detroit
- Oregon City
- Seneca
- Estacada
- Gold Beach
- Agness
- Gates
- Seaside
- Antelope
- Baker City
- Albany
- Elmira
- Post
- Lincoln City
- Elgin
- Pendleton
- Burns
- Yamhill
- Ironside
- Newport
- Corvallis
- Winchester
- Broadbent
- Scio
- Langlois
- Sweet Home
- Oakland
- Ashwood
- Hines
- Monmouth
- Warm Springs
- Sheridan
- Blue River
- Paulina
- Adel
- Drain
- Lyons
- Wasco
- Eagle Creek
- Frenchglen
- Port Orford
- Clatskanie
- Banks